Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Book so far, final (for first draft)

This continues this list

  • Clowns pistol whipped by other clowns: 1

  • Clowns forced to play Russian Roulette: 1

  • Cops rescued by clowns: 1

  • Number of times the word "very" occurs in the last sentance: 10

  • Number of couples that hook up in the book: 2 sets

  • Number of happy endings: 1

By the way

I'm a winna! Here's the proof:

purple bar


One more thing

Edmund and I were featured in an article in Westbrook's American Journal.

I don't see it online yet, but if you live in the Portland area, pick it up!

I might try to scan it for you other dudes!

50,109 - by the skin of my teeth!

The Obligatory screen shot of progress:


So here is a dirty little secret. My final wordcount was 50,109 according to NaNoWriMo, but was 50,000 exactly according to word:


Interesting Facts:

  • Final Word Count: 50,109

  • Words since Saturday Afternoon: 25,683

  • Computer crashes: 5? 6? So many, I lost count. Really.

  • Time Novel Validated by NaNoWriMo: 11:53 pm, Eastern Standard Time

  • Husbands who left fun party at a bar to rush home and let me use his computer, which he had with him: 1

By the way, I'm a winner:

Oh. My. God.

Guess what happened at 10:00 pm?

Hint: I had one thousand words left for my 50,000 word limit.

Another Hint: I was saving my Novel.

My computer crashed!

Guess what happened again at 10:05, 10:15, 10:20, and a few more times. Yes, you guessed it, my computer crashed AGAIN!

Fortunately for me, I have a wonderful husband, who came home from the countdown party to let me use his computer.

Thank you Edmund. I am lucky to have met you. And lucky to have you.

So, did it work? Check it out, bay-be:

More in a sec.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


The Obligatory screen shot of progress:


  • Total Words: 46,099

  • Total Words Today: 3,990

  • Total Words Since Saturday: 21,673

  • Words left: 3,911

Woot! Woot!

Home stretch baby. Time for my beauty sleep!

The Book so far, Part 2

  • Clowns kidnapped by other clowns: 1

  • Clowns impersonating other clowns: 1

  • Clowns Killed: 4

  • Clowns in a coma: 1

  • Husbands yelled at: 1

  • Epic Clown Battles: 1

  • Sex Scenes: 5?

  • Flashyback Chapters: 1

  • Words: 45,247

  • Words today: 3,138 (and more coming)

  • Total words on Saturday Morning: 24,426

  • Words since Saturday: 20,821 (and counting)

  • Clowns wrongly imprisoned: 1

  • Ineffectual mayors: 1 (Mayor Timothy Thomas Goldberg)

  • Character names stolen from Husband: 1 (Mayor Timothy Thomas Goldberg)

  • Words to go: 4,763

Longest Character Name

Saul “Professor Doctor Sapper, Esquire the third” Sapper

Thank goodness for clowns!


558 words during lunch, 42,667 total

Character from nowhere

Okay, I just had a character show up, who has apparently been a part of the story for a while. Weird.

Maddy and Michael slept in until ten o clock in the morning, when they heard a loud banging on the door.

“Hey, you guys in there?” it was Stretch, Michael's cop friend from Boston who has not been in the book until just now, but we are going to pretend that he has.


Only 7,901 words to go!

The Obligatory screen shot of progress:


Interesting facts, in the last three days I have written 17,683 words.

(About 17,576 of those are crap.)

I have two days left. YEAH! I hope to crank the rest of this out tomorrow!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Some words...

“Let me take off my make up.”

“No, please keep it on, I am developing quite the fetish for clowns.”

38,102 - Holy Crap

The Obligatory screen shot of progress:


Today I wrote 6,592 words. Yesterday I wrote 7,084

In less than 36 hours I wrote 13,676.


I have three days to write 11,908 words.

I might actually make it to 50,000! Holy crap!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Happy Bars

the bar

Yesterday morning this little bar was less than halfway to the 50,000 word goal. Right now I am inching closer and closer to the end.

Looking at this makes me happy!

How to kill a clown, so far

The Book so far:

Clowns Killed: 4

Epic Clown Battles: 1

Sex Scenes: 4?

Flashyback Chapters: 1

Words: 32,943

Words since yesterday at this time: 8,517

Clowns wrongly imprisoned: 1

Ineffectual mayors: 1 (Mayor Timothy Thomas Goldberg)

Character names stolen from Husband: 1 (Mayor Timothy Thomas Goldberg)

Words to go: 17,067

From the book, what prose, what promise

Richard laughed, a sardonic staccato cadence that pierced through Warren’s red haze.

what crap!

Where did this come from?

Sally first visited Richard and the Amazing Zarnos, spreading invective and lies, then she spoke with her father and told him that Richard belongs to this land, and he is the company Lion. We can use him for anything we need to do so.

Just so you know, Sally's father is not in the book. (My book, the book I am writing.) There is no lion, no company.

Just a little message from my subconscious.

Be afraid, be very afraid.


The Obligatory Screen Shot of Progress

I wrote 7,084 words today. Can you imagine!

I will work on more catch-up tomorrow! Feeling less sick, and more on the ball!


Speller fun:
